Thursday, December 29, 2005

Elite Secret Ops Team

Elite Secret Ops Team. That's my new nickname for the boys and here's why.

Last night, Helen and I stayed up to watch 2005's Funniest Commercials on TBS. We went through our normal bedtime routine and put the kids down at... oh... 845ish. I think. Well, at 1045 we decided to put the new DVD recorder to test and went to bed.

We get to the bedroom and who do we find? Josh! Eating a lollipop!

What the?!?

Why isn't he sleeping?!?

In his room?!?

How long as he been in here?!?

How many lollipops has he eaten?!?


So, Helen orders him to his room, sans lollipop and this is what he says, and I quote "Guys, don't eat my candy, guys" and "Don't take my candy". Not in the I'm sorry, I was wrong please don't spank me kind of voice but it's that defiant, you're gonna be in trouble for taking my candy kind of voice.

How dare we.

As for Ben, he's a sneaky little boy. The Captain of the Elite Secret Ops Team, if you will. Stealth, is how he operates. Silently and efficiently moving from no-no to no-no. His personal favorite is, during nap time, to sneak from his room to the bathroom and stay there as long as possible. Which is normally how long it takes us to go. "Where's Ben? It's to quiet back there." We don't have to look hard or far to find him in the bathroom, usually with his pants and underwear off. Why? I don't know. I don't want to know.

Which reminds me of another interesting Ben story, mildly funny now, not funny then.

As many of you know, Helen and I are members of the Utah Valley Symphony Orchestra, well, occasionally, we called upon Auntie Linda and Uncle Shawn for some babysitting duty during our rehearsals. (Thanks again by the way) Well, one evening after rehearsal, we pick up the kids and head for home. It's a pleasant, quiet drive. We assumed because it was late and they were tired. We were 66% correct.

Ben was quiet because he had pulled his pants and underwear down and was busy giving himself a 5yr old boner.


We were stunned. Almost to the point where I couldn't yell at him. Almost, but not quite.

Needless to say, I was told by Helen, that I needed to have a talk to him about that.

I guess I should get around to that....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

As an ad on to this post... I go in this morning to get Morgan and Josh up to find Josh not in his bed.

I think.. well, maybe he's in the bathroom. Nope, not there. Where could he be?

Then I here a noise from my room. So I go in to see if it's possible that he's in there.

Sure enough he's laying in my bed and, of all things, eating another lolipop. Which I promptly take away, which does not start his morning off well.

9:24 AM  

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