Friday, September 22, 2006


Today was a momentous day in our lives. One of significant importance, rivaled by few other events. A turning point, if you will. Our family has been greatly blessed by this occurrence and will be bless by it for the rest of our lives!

Have I built it up enough? Do you want to know what it is?

Any guesses?

Win the lottery? Nope.
Huge job promotion? Nope.
Fantastic performance opportunities? Nope.
Business performing hugely above expectations? Nope. Not yet anyways.

Morgan used the potty for the first time? Yep!!!!!!!!

Can you believe it?! Let me recount for you the events that transpired on this sacred day.

Apparently, while Helen was getting Morgan dressed, she was going through the process of putting Morgan in a new diaper. Before the new diaper could be put on, Morgan said. "I go potty." Now, we haven't been working hard to get her potty trained but the potty has been out and she likes to sit on it and "read" (she gets that from me) while we're taking care of business.

So, back to the story. Morgan, sans diaper goes into the bathroom but I've moved the potty into their room, under her crib. (I really dislike kicking it all the time). Finding the potty missing, she goes to her room, finds it under her crib and takes it to the bathroom.

Meanwhile, Helen hasn't been paying to much attention as all other "sittings" have ended in a empty bowl.

A few minutes later from the bathroom, Helen hears. "I done!", "I done, Mommy!". So she treks to the bathroom and lo and behold... pee pee! In the potty no less!

Soon, we'll have a picture of her in the act to memorialize the event. She's only 6 months or so ahead of her brothers and 2 days before her second birthday.

Hooray! Tis a happy day!


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