Monday, October 16, 2006

Trouble in Paradise.

Many of us have been or want to go to Hawaii. I was lucky enough to go on a high school band trip. It was beautiful. Green and lush, blue ocean and sandy beaches. Then we saw on the news that it was hit by a 6.6 earthquake. Being the guy that I am, I made some snide remark. Fitting I thought.

Then late in the evening, (after 9, that's late to us! Shut up!). We get a phone call. The first things out of our mouths are, "Who the heck is calling at this time of night?".

It's my mom. Odd that she'd be calling at this time of night, she starts by asking about the kids... they're fine, sleeping... you got them a nickelodeon subscription, great they'll love that... etc... etc. Then she says, "Well, you know your sister is in Hawaii."

Actually, no.

Living two states away limits my knowledge on my sister's travel plans. Apparently, her boyfriend took her to a 9 day stay to Hawaii.

Awesome... how romantic. Unless there happens to be a 6.6 earthquake on the island they're on.

The last report she got out was that they're fine but without power. People aren't sure what exactly is going on, as communication has been difficult without power. She has a cell phone... which is good but it doesn't do you any good when you have no power to charge it!

So, to wrap things up. She's fine, thus far. I have confidence in my sister, she's very head strong, level headed (mostly) and being a native of California, she eats 6.6 earthquakes for breakfast.

P.S. As a traveling tip, take a car cell phone charger with you. You never know if you'll be out of juice!


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