Monday, October 16, 2006

Did you know?

That you can check to see if I've made any recent posts without having to remember to come to the blog?

If you use MSN, Yahoo! or Google as your home page, you can customize them to include everything from recent news, comics, blogs, dictionaries, calculators, just about anything on the web really.

So, for those of you that do use MSN, Yahoo! or Google, here's a quick how to.

Step 1. Log in
Step 2. Click on My MSN, if you don't know where that's at:
Step 2a. Click and hold the Ctrl key
Step 2b. While holding the Ctrl key press the "F" key
Step 2c. Then type My MSN.
Step 2d. Hit enter, this will highlight it for you
Step 2e. Click it!
Step 3. Near the top it will say "Add Content", if you don't know where that's at, follow steps 2a - 2e, only changing "My MSN" to "Add Content"
Step 4. Copy and Paste this into the search bar.
Step 4a. Highlight ""
Step 4b. Chick and hold the Ctrl key
Step 4c. While holding the Ctrl key, press the "C" key
Step 4d. Click into the Search field in the My MSN Change Content Page
Step 4e. Press and hold the Ctrl key
Step 4f. While holding the Ctrl key, press the "V" key.
Step 5. Click the green box with the white arrow in it.
Step 6. Click the check box to the left of "A Little bit of this, a little bit of that."
Step 7. Click "OK"

Step 1. Sign in
Step 2. Click on "Personalized Home" in the top right corner
Step 3. Click on "Add more to this page" in the top left corner
Step 4. Click on "Add by URL", that's just to the right of the search button
Step 5. Copy and paste this into the field:
Step 5a. If you need help copying and pasting, read steps 2a-2e in the MSN section
Step 6. Click "Add"
Step 7. Click "Back to homepage" in the top left corner

Step 1. Sign in
Step 2. Click on "Add Content"
Step 3. Click on "Add RSS by URL", that's located just to the right of the "Find" button
Step 4. Copy and paste this into the box:
Step 5. Click "Add"
Step 6. Click "Add To My Yahoo!"

Yahoo! even has a feature where they will notify you by email, IM or call you every time there's an update.

Oh yeah, one last thing. To make one of these or any page your homepage (the page that opens first when you open your browser) click on "Tools" at the top. Then Click options. To make this your homepage, click "Use Current".

There you have it. I'm done.


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