Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Some pics to keep you happy.

So it's been a month since we updated anything. My bad. Moving on. We finally had a couple of rolls of film developed this past week (no, don't have a digital camera). So here's some fairly recent pictures for your perusal.

A picture of Ben & Josh after bath time, just before bed time. As you can see, Ben isn't looking at the camera and has a "silly face". Yup, he's that kid. You'll notice in every picture with him that this is the case.

Warning!!! Partial nudity below!!!

Aww... isn't she precious! Helen has this thing about putting bubbles on the kids heads then taking a picture. It was cute with Ben and it's still cute with Morgan.

I love this one! Morgan has a "No you didn't" look on her face! I'm sure this won't be the last picture of her in jammies with curlers. And if you're curious, only 2 curlers made it through the night. Again... notice the silly face.

Here they are on Halloween. The boys both wanted to be Pirates and Morgan was a fairy. Her little wings and skirt have glow in the dark stars on them. Kinda hard to capture in the dark. As a side note, Helen and I have gotten big into pumpkin carving! Every year she gets some free designs and the night before we're up till midnight hollowing, scraping and carving. Usually I do most of the hollowing. Still... Ben... not looking at the camera with the sword in front of his face.... nice.

A semi-family picture! Sans me of course but to have me in there you'd need a wide angle lens on the hubble telescope with how fat I've gotten! The steak and chocolate cake diet just isn't working for me! But I digress, Helen's trying to hide as much as possible, so we get a head and a left leg for your viewing pleasure! And again... Ben....

We have a few more out there and who knows what's on the roll we still have in the camera. So be patient and eventually you'll see more!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh I love those pictures and again... the narration is tops!

10:18 AM  

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