Saturday, November 04, 2006

Some audio!

So Helen's been giving me a hard time about the lack of posts recently. So, here's something to buy me a couple more weeks.

Some of you might remember back in April, we had songs by Ben and Josh. The intention was to have that be a fairly regular thing. Yeah, that didn't happen but it was cute so, here's a couple sound bytes for you to enjoy!

Clip #1. Animal sounds by Morgan.

She actually wanted to sing a song but her brothers were being to noisy and this was the best clip. Eventually we'll showcase Morgan's singing abilities.

For now, here's me asking Morgan to make the sounds of several animals.

Click here to listen!

Clip #2. Twinkle Twinkle by Josh.

This is by far his favorite song and only he is allowed to sing it. Don't dare try to sing along or you will be subject to his wrath!

Listen here!

Clip #3. Months of the Year by Ben.

They didn't teach me this when I was in grade school. He's learned the months of the years set to "10 little indians" or is that "10 vertically challenged Native Americans"? But to go along with the song, it's also be set to the movements of the Macarena, that wonderful song....

So imagine 20 or so 1st graders singing "10 little indians" with lyrics changed to month names while doing th Macarena.

Fun for everyone!

Clip #4. Days of the Week by Ben.

Very similar to clip #3 only to a different song. Let's see if you can guess what song it is. And there aren't any fancy moves like the Macarena.

During class, they'll skip that day in the song, much like I... N... G... O... I... N... G... O... I... N...G... O... and BINGO was his name-o

Days of the week!

For you that don't remember the original clips, here they are for your enjoyment.

Going on a Bear Hunt

Winnie the Pooh Theme


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