Having kids tends to mean having MORE kids over at your house, when friends and their siblings come over. Such is the case as we have a family of 9 to our west and a family of 4 to our east. In total there are 8 kids between the ages of 3-9 between our 3 houses.
They come over frequently to play as we have the largest yard they can play in and a super long sloped drive way perfect for scooters, bikes and the like.
Ben's best-friend/girlfriend (while at home) is the 6 yr old neighbor girl, Krystal. She's always over and with her, comes her 3 year old brother, Dennis. Now, Dennis is infatuated with Morgan. He's always following her around, trying to touch her and stroke her hair. All perfectly harmless and cute.... unless you're Josh.
Well before I give you the whole story, lets talk about some family dynamics.
Morgan's relationship with Ben is totally loving. If she's in trouble, she goes to Ben. If she's watching tv, it's with Ben. Where ever he goes you're bound to see her 5 seconds later pushing her little legs to the max to keep up with him.
Not so with Josh. They fight and torment each other. Constantly. She provokes him mercilessly and of course he retaliates with swift ferocity.
So back to our story.
The other day Krystal and Dennis are over. Ben and Krystal are drawing on the sidewalk with sidewalk chalk, Josh is pretending to be pirate and Morgan is trying to play by herself, then, there's Dennis. Preventing Morgan from playing to her pleasure as he ends up knocking her over and he unstably tries to touch her and pet her hair.
She's getting fed up. He's not stopping.
DUN DA DA DUM (superhero anthem)
Helen and I are alerted to trouble by the sounds of agitated voices.... well AN agitated voice. We look to the front yard to find Josh, inches from Dennis's face, with his finger extended, shouting.
"THAT'S MY SISTER!!" Technically, "Dat's my thister" with a hard "t" at the beginning.
Dennis was shocked, unprepared for this verbal assault he retreats to the safety of his older sister.
Josh, the victorious, goes back to being a pirate but careful to keep a vigilant eye on Dennis and his intentions towards his thister.